The Sacopee Energy Alliance and WindowDressers' Community Workshops are like an old-fashioned barn-raising for inserts. Members of the community gather together for several days to build all of the inserts that have been ordered in their community. Experienced volunteers teach new volunteers, food is provided, and the end results are high-quality inserts at a very affordable price and a stronger, more connected community.
Everett Community Growers programs and communications are multilingual, and racial diversity and cultural heritage are highlighted by storytelling projects allowing community members to define the goals of the group in their own words. Previous storytelling projects have included interviews with the growers that were integrated into an online story map, and a video project completed in 2015. Recently, advisory board members acted as community photojournalist in order to creatively record and reflect on community strenghts and concerns, engage in critical dialogue surrounding food systems issues, and reach decisionmakers.
Our new Catalyst Conversation Series gives organizers the opportunity to sit at the intersections of numerous issues and to dig into cross-issue conversations. They are interactive events for community members and groups to strengthen cross issue-area collaboration and to create space for new and creative ideas to emerge.
What does it take to walk-the-walk with the participatory decision-making process? We're trying to figure it out! ...with over 20 folks volunteering to participate in the 2018 RootSkills Conference planning committee! Read the full blog to learn more about our planning committee process and how you can get involved.
Cities and communities across the country are ready for a just transition to 100% clean, renewable energy! Plainfield and Cornish (NH)'s organizers are getting behind Sierra Club's Ready for 100% campaign, committing to 100% clean and renewable energy for all.
Did you know we awarded $576,763 in grants in 2017, our most ever and a 33% increase over 2016? And that the current round of Grow grant proposals are asking for $222,861 collectively while we only have about $120,000 available to distribute? You can help meet the growing needs of our communities - join our Spring Appeal!
Did you know there’s a place in New England where it’s possible to plant grasses on coastal dunes, build bridges on recreational trails; pull invasive plants in forests and fields, monitor water quality in streams, and count baby oysters while dockside? Sound crazy? Think again!
In 2017, the Grassroots Fund launched the Harvest Youth Grant Program. This program supported frontline youth organizers between the ages of 15 - 25 leading initiatives that strengthen our region’s sustainability movement. We are pleased to share the work of the sixteen groups received a Harvest Youth Grant!
In 2017, we were overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of project ideas and solutions that came through our grants program and RootSkills Training Series! Groups are not waiting for top-down solutions but are seeking innovative and transformative change at the critical intersections of climate change, health, and equity. Become a part of the movement in 2018!
Mainers pay some of the highest energy costs in the nation. Our state has the dubious distinction of being the most dependent on heating oil for heating homes and businesses. These costs are especially high on Maine’s islands, where it is common to pay more than a dollar more per gallon than your neighbors on the mainland.