The Grassroots Fund Network listserv was created as a virtual space for folks to connect with others around New England who are dedicated to building a just and equitable future at the intersection of Environmental Justice. The purpose of the listserv is to share information, learn from one another, collaborate, and stimulate connections across issue areas and states.
Types of posts that are encouraged: Seeking advice about work, programs, tools, etc.; Interesting articles; Discussion questions; Events; Job postings. This listserv will be as robust as folks make it. So please post freely and frequently with kindness and curiosity.
It is Grassroots Fund's policy not to delete messages posted by the community, though we may make exceptions when those messages involve copyright infringement, partisan politics or lobbying, personal attacks, obscenity and/or ethnic slurs or create an unsafe virtual space. Posts from community members do not necessarily represent the views of the Grassroots Fund.
If you have any questions about the group, please email communications@grassrootsfund. org.