Join the Grassroots Movement in 2018

Julia Dundorf

In 2017, we were overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of project ideas and solutions that came through our grants program and RootSkills Training Series! Groups are not waiting for top-down solutions but are seeking innovative and transformative change at the critical intersections of climate change, health, and equity. Organizers are exploring and demanding opportunities for those with historically underrepresented or suppressed voices – communities of color, indigenous people, youth, seniors, people with disabilities – to have strong roles in group or project leadership, governance and design.                     
We fund and partner with grassroots groups that align with our Guiding Values. Our values reflect our commitment to shift power back to all members of our local communities and reject the notion that decisions should be made by a privileged few. Paramount is the notion that equity and co-creating solutions with marginalized voices in our communities are key markers for success. With more ‘lived experiences’ in the room, more perspectives, and more diverse voices, we see more creative and impactful solutions. 


Attend the RootSkills Series

Over 1,500 people participated in the 2017 RootSkills Training Series and we are building off this momentum in 2018. Our RootSkills Training Series theme is “Building Resilient Communities” and consists of monthly webinars, in-person events, Environmental Justice month (April 2018), and the 2018 RootSkills Conference. Please share your ideas, questions, and comments on social media using the #NEGEF! 


Apply for a Grant!

Young Adult Leaders


Join the CSA2: Contribute, Share & Act!

I encourage you to join us through the CSA2 platform by investing in the Grassroots Fund, serving on the Grow or Young Adult Leaders grantmaking committee, applying to help organize or speak at a RootSkills training/webinar, or submitting an event or blog post on the Grassroots Fund website.  There is no better time to pitch in your support, adding to a stronger whole.  Thanks to the generous support of three funders, we are able to match donations dollar for dollar up to another $27,000!


With 2018 in full swing and so many opportunities - and urgency - for action, we anticipate more groups working together to move New England forward. I’m eager to read your stories, champion your efforts, and grow the Grassroots Fund’s resources to meet  YOUR needs.