Introducing the Climate Ready Boston progress tool

Kara Runsten

This was first posted on Greenovate Boston on August 11, 2017.

In December 2016, the City of Boston released its Climate Ready Boston report with a number of recommended strategies and initiatives focused on preparing the City for the impacts of climate change. To help stakeholders stay informed on the current flurry of implementation activity, the City is piloting a new tool designed to be a central hub of information on all the efforts being undertaken across City departments.

Across the City, we recognize the importance of tracking our progress and being transparent. This tool is the first iteration to improve those efforts in climate resiliency. The Climate Ready Boston Progress Tool is designed to bring accountability to a whole new level, giving stakeholders a one-stop-shop to get a high-level view of what is happening across City departments to prepare residents for a changing climate. The tool includes a graphic snapshot of progress on all of the recommended initiatives in the report before diving into details on specific actions that are underway (or soon to be underway) related to the initiatives. Each initiative is also assigned a “status” that places it on a scale from “not started” to “complete.”

For example, initiative 2.1 “Expand Citywide Climate Readiness Education and Engagement campaign” is identified as “in progress” because the initiative is currently being implemented through the Climate Ready Boston Leaders program, an outreach program designed to train community leaders to share Climate Ready Boston efforts with their friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors.

The tool will be updated on a regular basis as projects progress and new efforts get underway. You can access the tool at

Get involved

Preparing Boston for the effects of climate change is an action outlined in the Climate Action Plan. Greenovate works to prepare Bostonians by connecting them to the work the City and other organizations are doing to move us closer to a carbon free city while also preparing residents for the effects of a changing climate.