Solarize is a proven model for motivating your neighbors to go solar. Most towns more than double their number of existing solar homes in less than a year.
There’s no way to prevent disasters like Irene. But a new statewide pilot program – Community Resilience Organizations (CROs) – aims to make sure that Vermont towns are ready for whatever comes next.
Grassroots Fund grantee group The Resilience Hub organizes a permablitz on the Eastern Promenade in Portland (ME). Lisa Fernandes & Heather Foran share more about the work/impact of permablitzing.
Collaborating with the Vermont Farmers Market and Vermont Food Bank, the Vermont Farmers Food Center serves as an economic incubator in the development and promotion of local food marketing systems.
Recycle a Bike's Jenna Yu works to connect people with refurbished bikes, provide practical bike knowledge, and advocate bicycle use by safer, more confident cyclists.
Stephanie Beck is part of the all-volunteer community group behind the Great Bay Time Bank. Stephanie has worked with several non-profits professionally and as a board member/volunteer.
Sara Zoë Patterson is the founder and board chair of Seacoast Eat Local. Just like Bat Girl, she has a day job as a librarian, at New Franklin School in Portsmouth, NH.