Faye Christoforo (They/She) joined the Grassroots Fund team as the new Co-Director in January. They have written an introduction letter to the community. Please join us in welcoming Faye!
Mary Jones joined the Grassroots Fund in July 2023 as the Program Manager for the Grow Grants Program. We asked Mary three questions to get to know her a bit more.
A Grassroots Fund conversation with organizers of the Milagros Project of Rhode Island who are doing emergent, on-the-ground mutual aid work in solidarity with the community they live and love.
We know that communities resist injustice and create lasting change when they are able to access the necessary resources So the idea of Resourcing Community Work should be simple, right?
The Guiding Practices - Shifting Power in Decision Making, Rooted Innovation, Equity in Participation, and Centering a Just Transition - serve as the grounding the Grassroots Fund's work.
What started as a seed saving project and school garden in Stamford, Vermont, has quickly brought a rural and divided community together across political differences.
Abel Luna is Migrant Justice’s Campaign and Education Coordinator. Grassroots Fund spoke with Abel ahead of his keynote at our 2019 RootSkills workshop.
Grassroots Fund grantee group The Resilience Hub organizes a permablitz on the Eastern Promenade in Portland (ME). Lisa Fernandes & Heather Foran share more about the work/impact of permablitzing.
Collaborating with the Vermont Farmers Market and Vermont Food Bank, the Vermont Farmers Food Center serves as an economic incubator in the development and promotion of local food marketing systems. This will encourage the consumption
Sara Zoë Patterson is the founder and board chair of Seacoast Eat Local. Just like Bat Girl, she has a day job as a librarian, at New Franklin School in Portsmouth, NH.
This guide will help you find answers to your questions about trash, PAYT, recycling, curbside compost collection, hazardous waste and disposal of non-curbside items.
Food Solutions New England (FSNE) is a regional, collaborative network organized around a single goal: to transform the New England food system into a resilient driver of racial equity and food justice, health, sustainable farming and fishing, and thriving communities.
New Hampshire Fresh and Local Seafood provides a direct channel to purchase local fish making it a distinct and unique product. It's an example of an effort to increase awareness (and purchase) of local, sustainable seafood.
A bold vision, put forth by members of Food Solutions New England, that calls for the New England region to build the capacity to produce at least 50% of clean, fair, just and accessible food for all New Englanders by 2060. Grassroots groups have used the food vision to provide context for their local work and to replicate some of the research pieces at the micro-level as the inform their own planning efforts.
Grassroots groups have used this video as a starting point for meetings and as inspiration to show how local food activity can spark deep impact a the local level. Ron Finley’s vision for a healthy, accessible “food forest” started with the curbside veggie garden he planted in the strip of dirt in front of his own house. When the city tried to shut it down, Finley’s fight gave voice to a larger movement that provides nourishment, empowerment, education - and healthy, hopeful futures - one urban garden at a time.
The Rhode Island Wild Plant Society, Inc., is a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of Rhode Island's native plants and their habitats.
Their mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities to achieve greater levels of food self-reliance through the promotion of kitchen gardening, home-cooking, and sustainable local food systems. In doing so, KGI seeks to connect, serve, and expand the global community of people who grow some of their own food.
Working to promote the health and well being of Vermont’s children, farms and communities, Green Mountain Farm to School provides programs that integrate fresh food from local farms and school gardens into cafeterias while providing the knowledge and skills students need to make healthy lifestyle choices.
The Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) includes over 30 food co-ops and start-up initiatives in New England that are working together toward a shared vision of a thriving regional economy, rooted in a healthy, just and sustainable food system and a vibrant community of co-operative enterprise.
Salvation Farms utilizes local resources, skills and knowledge to create strong partnerships across industries and sectors and effectively move surplus food from farms to those who need it. The organization is available to assist community gleaning efforts in Vermont and across New England.
Boston Natural Areas Network (BNAN) works to preserve, expand and improve urban open space through community organizing, acquisition, ownership, programming, development and management of special kinds of urban land - community gardens, urban wilds and greenways. BNAN staff is available as a technical resource to community gardeners in the Greater Boston area.
Southside Community Land Trust provides access to land, education and other resources so people in Greater Providence can grow food in environmentally sustainable ways and create community food systems where locally produced, affordable, and healthy food is available to all. SSCLT staff is available as a technical resource to community gardeners across Greater Providence.
Join community and school garden leaders from around your region for this unique training series. Learn strategies to boost your garden programs and support growth, share stories and ideas, and celebrate this growing movement.
The Vermont Community Garden Network provides a range or resources for new and established community gardens. The Start a Garden page gives a detailed overview of the different steps to get a (community) garden up and running.
Cornell Cooperative Extension guide on fruit tree basics. Good resource for learning about growing fruit and part of an educational course on trees. Covers all the basics and provides a great foundation.