The group received a grant in 2008 to provide a day-long workshop for farmers to help build their capacity for increased off-season production for the 2009/10 winter market season, and to provide outreach to community members prior to and during the 2009/10 market season. This effort was undertaken in order to generate support for the expanding series of Winter Markets and enrich the consumer experience through awareness, education and information sharing opportunities. Through this dual approach of increasing both production and consumption of local foods in a non-traditional farm season, Seacoast Eat Local worked to facilitate a more environmentally sustainable, healthy food system on the seacoast.
Seacoast Eat Local
Our Purpose
to connect people with sources of locally grown foods and advocates eating locally for the health of our environment, community, culture and economy. Through advocacy, organizing and education, we work toward a sustainable local food system that meets the needs of both producers and consumers.
Summary of Projects
Seacoast Eat Local received a grant in 2007 to improve its local foods resource guide for the region. It used funding to create a more comprehensive, useful, informative and effective guide by improving the print quality and quantity and by hiring professionals to assist in portions of the project. The guide is the only one of its kind in the region and is highly in demand.