Technical Resources

Offer specific How To manuals, reports and tools. Technical resources help with actual implementation of a specific project.

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New England Solar Challenge

The foundation of SmartPower's New England Solar Challenge is the Solarize model utilizing key elements that include: 1) town-supported outreach and education, 2) pre-selected solar installer, 3) discount pricing, and 4) a clear end date.

South Coast Energy Challenge

The SouthCoast Energy Challenge is an easy path to energy efficiency and saving money. It starts with registration and signing up for a free home energy assessment.   After a Home Energy Assessment, a simple and easy roadmap is created to help towards saving money, energy, and together reducing regional CO2 emissions.

Safe Routes to School

The National Center for Safe Routes to School programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local, state, and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school. Program tools offer direct steps to help improve the walkabilty of a community.

Slow Money Maine

Slow Money Maine is building a network of individuals, philanthropists, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government entities who are focused on investing in farms and fisheries, and the ecosystems that sustain them as a means of growing local food systems, economies and community.  SMM is a chapter of Slow Money National.  Resources are available for groups interested in peer-to-peer lending, investment clubs and creative financing.


EVConnecticut provides information on state and federal incentive programs to install publicly available charging stations as well as information Workplace Charging and Owning an Electronic Vehicle.

Home Efficiency Calculator

Sustainable Energy Resource Group (SERG)'s Home Heating Efficiency Calculator allows users to measure issues affecting how much energy a home uses to heat, including how leaky the building is, the amount of insulation it has, the efficiency of the heating system, and the actions taken to conserve energy (turning down thermostats, closing storm windows, etc.
