PAREI encourages energy conservation and energy efficiency practices and promotes the use of renewable energy in the Plymouth, NH region. This is done through education, community building, increasing accessibility to professional energy-related services and by developing and sharing the model with other communities. PAREI members are offered discounts on Apricus Solar Collectors, Professional Home Energy Audits, Energy Saving House Walk Throughs, Solar Site Visits and Solar Analysis Reports, Volunteer Solar Energy Raisers and Housewarmings, membership meetings known as Energy Exchanges, an Energy Advisor Network partnering members with volunteers, Professional solar water, solar electric and solar pool heating installations as well as Do It Yourself support for installing Solar. PAREI also offer educational presentations and solar tours for community and school groups. To advance the model throughout the country, PAREI offers a PAREI Tool Kit and Community Partner membership.
Sandra Jones (Co-Director)
(603) 536-5030