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50 by 60 - A New England Food Vision

A bold vision, put forth by members of Food Solutions New England, that calls for the New England region to build the capacity to produce at least 50% of clean, fair, just and accessible food for all New Englanders by 2060. Grassroots groups have used the food vision to provide context for their local work and to replicate some of the research pieces at the micro-level as the inform their own planning efforts. 

Neighboring Food Co-op Association

The Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) includes over 30 food co-ops and start-up initiatives in New England that are working together toward a shared vision of a thriving regional economy, rooted in a healthy, just and sustainable food system and a vibrant community of co-operative enterprise.

Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET)

HEET’s core service is organizing free energy-upgrade work-parties to teach hands-on skills to volunteers. These work-parties take place in the buildings of non-profits such as food pantries, churches and community centers.

VT FEED (Food Education Every Day)

Vermont FEED offers professional development and technical assistance to schools and communities to support the development of robust Farm to School programs.

Community Action Works (formally Toxics Action Center)

At Community Action Works (formally known as Toxic Action Center), we believe that environmental threats are big, but the power of well-organized community groups is bigger.

That’s why we work side by side with everyday people to confront those who are polluting and harming the health of our communities. We partner with the people who are most impacted by environmental problems—which are Black, Indigenous, People of Color and poor communities—training them with the know-how anyone would need to make change in their own backyard.

Community Resilience Self-Assessment Tool

This self-assessment was designed to help community members, local leaders and volunteers to think and talk deeply about their community’s resilience strengths, challenges and priorities. It is also designed to help communities learn about different aspects of resilience and track their progress over time. 

Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEAL)

Through a network of partner organizations SEEAL mobilizes community resources and increases capacity for environmental education programs and activities. SEEAL has designed and executed environmental education and stewardship activities for the youth of New Bedford, and for all residents in the watersheds throughout Southeastern Massachusetts, including Buzzards Bay, Taunton River, Jones River, and Westport River.

Jennifer Marshall (Director)
(508) 493-4343

Bratteboro Pay-As-You-Throw guide

This guide will help you find answers to your questions about trash, PAYT, recycling, curbside compost collection, hazardous waste and disposal of non-curbside items. 

Slow Money Maine

Slow Money Maine is building a network of individuals, philanthropists, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government entities who are focused on investing in farms and fisheries, and the ecosystems that sustain them as a means of growing local food systems, economies and community.  SMM is a chapter of Slow Money National.  Resources are available for groups interested in peer-to-peer lending, investment clubs and creative financing.
