2013 Workshop Tracks

The 2013 RootSkills training offered three day-long workshop tracks. The workshops are designed in a way to have different exercises and assignments build on each other so once you’re in a track, we ask that you remain there for the day. Below you will find descriptions and workshop materials for each track.

Community Organizing

Who it’s for: Grassroots group leaders who are building a project or campaign strategy and are seeking to engage community through effective communication and compelling stories.
Who it’s from: Lee Matsueda, Alternatives for Community & Environment
What you get: This interactive workshop offers tools and activities to help grassroots groups effectively engage community. Participants will explore different approaches to community organizing and will learn exercises to help determine which approaches best fit their local efforts. With a focus on strategic communication, groups will sharpen the focus of their work, identify the change they are creating, and discern when to challenge and when to cuddle their communities.

Group Development

Who it’s for: Grassroots group leaders who seek to strengthen their group’s internal processes and bolster decision-making.
Who it’s from: Curtis Ogden, Interaction Institute for Social Change
What you get: This interactive workshop will help your team work better together. Participants will discuss teamwork and groups roles, learn how to articulate their criteria for success, and focus on essential skills for building agreement.

Personal Leadership

Who it’s for: Grassroots group leaders who want to (re-)establish their priorities, (re-)energize around their vision and (re-)learn strategies to prevent burn-out, both personal and for their team.
Who it’s from: Amanda Silver, leadership training consultant
What you get: This interactive workshop will explore different skills for effective leadership. Participants will discuss the role of leadership in our work, explore personal purpose for social change, learn new skills and take-away tools for skillful communication, time management and self-sustainability.