Welcome to a Post COP21 Briefing and Discussion:The Path Forward from Paris

Are you interested in getting below the headlines to hear what really happened at the Paris COP 21 negotiation and what it really means for Climate Protection?
The 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), ended on Saturday, December 12, 2015, with 190 world leaders settling on an agreement aimed at stabilizing the climate and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change.  
This webinar will feature GWSP consultant and longtime Climate Protection Advisor, Sonia Hamel, who attended the conference.  Sonia will share her observations, photos and insights into what this all means for long-term change.   After the briefing, attendees can pose questions and discussion points about the outcome of the Conference and what we can do to leverage the agreement and to ensure that the US does as much as possible to lead on implementation of the agreement and to ensure that it all happens, as quickly as possible.
This webinar is organized in collaboration with the Environmental League of Massachusetts, the Global Warming Solutions Project, and New Directions Collaborative.
  • Beth Tener, Principal, New Directions Collaborative
  • Sonia Hamel, Principal, Hamel Environmental Consulting