Looking for New Ideas? Solutions? Inspiration?
We all struggle with the problems of drought, flooding, plant diseases, and pests in our landscapes. Are there planting choices that we can make or methods of caring for soil and managing water that would help us create landscapes that are more resistant to these threats?
Join us for the 2017 ELA Conference as our speakers offer their suggestions and solutions to these questions and more.
March 8 includes:
* Two workshops: The Power of Plants and Artful Stormwater Design
* Keynote speaker: Noel Kingsbury, international, master plantsman and author
Keynote Address: The Evolution of the Ecological Planting Design
March 9 features eight Sessions and four Idea Exchanges covering a range of ecological topics including:
* Landscapes as a Source of Environmental Change
* The Art of Gardening -Techniques from Chanticleer
* The Science of Soil Biology During Extended Drought
* Native Grass and Wildflower Seeding
Immerse yourself in this two-day exploration of
principles and practices that support the living landscape.