Save the Date!: VECAN’s 8th Annual Vermont Community Energy and Climate Action Conference

This inspiring conference emphasizes clean energy and climate action strategies that Vermonters can help implement locally — and beyond.

The day is aimed at inspiring, supporting and growing the statewide network of town energy committees and building the capacity and expertise of any Vermonter interested in helping the state meet its ambitious but essential goal of getting 90 percent of our energy in 2050 with renewable energy. 

VECAN will be presenting our annual Community Energy Awards to recognize all of the hard work being done by Vermont’s innovative town energy committees. We are generating a list of nominees and we want suggestions from you! If you have a Leader, Committee or Project you would like to nominate for an award this year, please send a brief description of your Nominee to no later than October 16, 2015.

In addition, there will be a wide range of timely workshops focused on the programs and projects that Vermonters can embrace to help people and communities implement innovative efficiency, transportation and renewable energy solutions.

And, the keynote is can’t miss! Richard Heinberg – a Senior Fellow at the Post Carbon Institute – will keynote the conference. Mr. Heinberg is a widely regarded author, educator and energy and peak oil expert. He has authored scores of essays and articles that have appeared in such journals as Nature, The American Prospect, Public Policy Research, Quarterly Review, The Ecologist, The Futurist, European Business Review, Yes! and The Sun; and on web sites such as, and 

The day offers unparalleled networking opportunities, both with local energy leaders as well as Vermont’s leading clean energy businesses, organizations, institutions and state agency partners. There will be ample opportunity to connect with and visit the tables of the sponsoring organizations, including solar installers, weatherization experts, financing and funding institutions, transportation innovators, nonprofit leaders and many more. Stay tuned for a complete list of conference sponsors!