Water and its remarkable physical properties make life on earth possible. "'Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming," presented by Biodiversity For a Livable Climate, is a conference that will pay particular attention to water’s role in regulating climate through its capacity to store, move and transfer more heat than any other natural compound. Water is a planetary thermostat, and even with elevated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it can cool the biosphere and address destructive feedback loops in the climate system.
Good water management is a facet of good land management, Conference presenters will lead participants in carefully examining the water cycle, how we can have a dramatic positive influence on it, and in so doing successfully address drought, floods, soil health, food production and climate.
Although water and carbon travel together, water cycles can be restored even more quickly than soil sequestration can reduce atmospheric carbon levels. Thus, while we’re drawing down atmospheric carbon, we can significantly cool the surface of the earth to mitigate and even reverse the damage done to date by elevated planetary temperatures. All we have to do is bring over 12 billion acres on Planet Earth back to life. And we can!