Perfecting Your Pitch


Raising money from donors is one of the most quick and cost-effective ways to gain the critical resources your grassroots group needs. Meeting with donors not only helps raise funds, but spreads the word about the work you're doing, identifies more volunteers and builds political power. But where to start?

During this webinar, participants will learn step-by-step where to look for major donors, how to get a meeting, and how to make a compelling pitch to build money for your movement. This webinar will be lead by Megan Stoke of Toxics Action Center


  • Megan Stokes is the Development Director for Toxics Action Center. She works to diversify Toxics Action Center's resource base, coordinating the organization's fundraising efforts from foundations, major donors, and individual members.  Megan got her start working on environmental issues with MASSPIRG, organizing students on college campuses around local water quality, campus recycling and state global warming legislation.  Before her current work with Toxics Action Center, she oversaw membership outreach and fundraising offices across the country for environmental organizations.

This webinar is brought to you via the RootSkills Training Series.