From corner stores to condos - what we need to know about city planning.
The People’s Redevelopment Authority asks the question, “What if residents had the formal authority to engage in urban development?” What kinds of policies would they make and what kinds of spatial strategies would they choose to forward? How would they work with planners, architects and other spatial specialists to prototype and implement new ideas?
Combining the best practices from creative placemaking and participatory planning, the PRA will demonstrate how residents can frame and lead urban development, rather than being the recipients of it. As a kick off, Fairmount Cultural Corridor partners are hosting a 4-part series to engage folks in digging in to a REAL People's Redevelopment Authority.
We invite everyone—residents, practitioners, community leaders, merchants, artists, youth—to be a part of the People’s Redevelopment Authority.
The People’s Redevelopment Authority is a project of the Design Studio for Social Intervention and the Fairmount Cultural Corridor