Fracked Gas, PCBs, and Our Health

 Sandra Steingraber, renowned ecologist and author will speak
about how PCBs, fracked gas, and pipelines are impacting ecological and human
health at 5 PM at Lenox High School, 197 East Street, Lenox, MA. Steingraber brings a
clear, passionate voice to the complex evidence of biology.
Dr. Steingraber's 1997 book Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation
of Cancer and the Environment changed the way we think about toxic chemicals and
their connections to cancer. Living Downstream was based on by Steingraber's
personal journey as a cancer survivor and her career as a scientist. In 2010 the book
was released as a film.
Steingraber has written extensively about topics ranging from climate change and toxic
chemical exposure to developmental and reproductive disorders.
Steingraber's other works include Raising Elijah: Protecting Children in an Age of
Environmental Crisis, Having Faith: An Ecologist’s Journey to Motherhood, and Post
Diagnosis. She also is featured in the recent documentary “Unfractured” as an activist
speaking out about the environmental risks of fracking.
PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) are the toxic chemical that pollutes the Housatonic
River and has contaminated the food chain of the earth. Fracked gas and the pipelines
carrying that gas have been on the frontline of environmental debates as severe
dangers to the environment.
The presentation begins at 5 PM and will be followed by a question and answer period,
as well as a book-signing.

Tim Gray | Housatonic River Initiative (HRI) | (413) 243-3353
Elizabeth Orenstein | Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) | (413) 717-1255