Efficiency Vermont Launches Speakers Bureau

Efficiency Vermont is offering free workshops for community groups and businesses designed to help Vermonters make energy improvements. Each workshop addresses how a particular technology works, associated economics, and available technical and financial resources. Efficiency Vermont will provide an energy expert to deliver the presentation, guidance on how to effectively organize a workshop, and educational and public outreach materials. Community groups and businesses are asked to take primary responsibility for getting the word out and securing the venue. The following educational workshops are currently available:
Button Up Vermont: how homes lose energy and primary opportunities for air sealing and insulation
Cold Climate Heat Pumps: the latest in heat pump technology, the relative economics compared to other fuel sources, and successful case studies
Mobile Home Efficiency: improvements unique to mobile homes, with a focus on DIY opportunities
Modern Wood Heating: how wood pellet central heating systems work, and the relative cost and savings compared to other systems
Slash Your Energy Bills: introductory workshop on reducing energy bills through low-cost efficiency improvements, weatherization, and more
Zero Energy Homes: the path toward a zero energy home with energy efficiency, heat pumps, and solar
To schedule a workshop, sign up here on the Efficiency Vermont website or call 1 888-921-5990.