Boston philanthropic leaders and AGM invite you to join a discussion on democracy and civil liberties in this new political landscape.
James Canales, President and Trustee, Barr Foundation
Kim Philbrick McCabe, Executive Director, The Klarman Family Foundation
Jocelyn Sargent, Executive Director, The Hyams Foundation
Orlando Watkins, Vice President for Programs, The Boston Foundation
Jeff Poulos, Chief Executive Officer, Associated Grant Makers
Issues of civil liberties, equity and race, immigrant and refugee populations, freedom of the press, counting the undercounted, voter rights, the repeal of ACA/Obamacare, tracking incidents of hate, policies impacting the sciences, climate and environment, proposals to eliminate agencies such as the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for Humanities, and Public Broadcasting - these have all been raised leading up to and in the early days of the new federal administration.
Attend this conversation to learn what your fellow funders and foundation leaders are doing and share your own updates and thinking on how this is or may be affecting your funding strategies, if at all. Also joining the conversation will be Phil Buchanan, President, Center for Effective Philanthropy.