“What could an inclusive community garden, food forest, or permaculture project look like?"
“How can we attract and retain members from different class, race, and gender backgrounds?”
“Why should we focus on creating a more just, equitable food system?”
This webinar is targeted towards community groups across New England that have asked themselves one or more of these questions. Facilitated by Shane Lloyd of Class Action, this webinar will help groups address the above questions, identify barriers that diminish their work and offer tools to build alliances for social change. We will also hear from groups working on the ground and learn from their first-hand experiences in this movement.
This webinar is brought to you in partnership with our friends at the Vermont Community Garden Network.
- Shane Lloyd received his Bachelors of Science degree in Behavioral Neuroscience from Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. He completed his Master of Public Health degree at the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. During his graduate studies, Shane investigated the impact of reactions to race on the mental health status of U.S. citizens, particularly racial/ethnic minorities. Shane serves as the Assistant Director for Brown University’s Third World Center. In this capacity, he oversees several programs including: a social justice pre-orientation program, a mentoring program and a peer counseling program. He has nearly 10 years of higher education experience including residential experience in Boston, Australia and Greece.
- Orion Kreigman co-founded and directed for five years the Jamaica Plain New Economy Transition (JPNET) in his own neighborhood to catalyze community leadership and launch new initiatives such as a time trade circle, farmers market, land trust, and spaces for community dialogue and action across race and class divisions. Emerging directly from this local work, he is now directing the Boston Food Forest Coalition, a conservation easement land trust supporting a robust network of food forests gardens stewarded by neighbors and community partners throughout the city. BFFC connects urban youth and adults to nature for outdoor recreation, provides opportunities to grow and share food, and enables reflection about the importance of urban biodiversity and healthy eating habits; all while reducing rainwater runoff, mitigating the urban heat island, sequestering carbon, and reducing stress and violence. In 2015, Orion completed his Permaculutre Design Certificate studying with Lisa Fernandes of the Resilience Hub in Portland, ME.
- Sandra Lory is a food justice educator with the Good Food Good Medicine Program and a clinical herbalist and cupping therapist at Mandala Botanicals in Central Vermont. She has been a coordinator and facilitator with the Good Food, Good Medicine Program since 2009. GFGM is a year-round, solidarity-not-charity based non-profit program that empowers children and families at two affordable housing neighborhoods through family herbalism, affordable nutrition, cooking, food preservation, community gardening, and leadership development activities. Sandra has for 15 years explored grassroots activism through photography, art, community gardens, food, traditional healing and folkloric medicine. Her work has taken her to New York City, Palestine, Haiti, Mexico, Belize, Puerto Rico, Japan and India.