This webinar explores strategies to connect and integrate cooperative economics with grassroots political power building for a more just and sustainable economy. The panelists explore connections between community organizing and building models for the future that meet our own needs. Discussion will unpack the relationship between direct action, political power building and cooperative economic development!
- Aaron Tanaka, Center for Economic Democracy; Boston Impact Initiative . Aaron is the former ED of the Boston Workers Alliance, former Managing Director of the Boston Impact Initiative (a local impact investment fund) and current Director of the new Center for Economic Democracy.
- Alicia Renee Farris is the Director of Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan (ROC-MI) where she gives leadership to a local movement to achieve social and economic justice for restaurant workers. Farris, a lifelong resident of Detroit, is committed to Detroit/Michigan's economic revitalization and ensuring that race and gender equity are kept at the forefront of the economic agenda.
- Kali Akuno is a founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson, which is an emerging network of worker cooperatives and supporting institutions. Cooperation Jackson is fighting to create economic democracy by creating a vibrant solidarity economy in Jackson, MS that will help transform Mississippi and the South. You can find more information about Cooperation Jackson at
- Working World / New Era Windows Co-op in Chicago - A windows manufacturing worker co-op that was secured by workers after a sit-in and occupation after the owner sought to liquidate the former windows factory. New Era Windows was born from workers struggling to keep their jobs and control their economy futures.