Become a Power Presenter with David Marino

Learn to be a powerful presenter! Not everyone feels comfortable in front of a crowd. Whether it’s presenting an informal report, delivering a keynote speech, or simply speaking up during a meeting, finding your true and confident voice can be a challenge. Using a theater-derived approach and practical “on-your-feet” exercises, this workshop will give you the tools required to engage your audience with warmth, confidence, and clarity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Speak to the back of the room
  • Maintain confidence and poise
  • Channel your nervous energy
  • Create a powerful audience connection
  • Master the 5 tools of compelling speech
  • Organize your thoughts in an engaging way
  • Highlight your message with purpose and poise
  • Respond to criticism constructively and positively
  • Create positive and memorable first impressions
  • Use your hands and body to accentuate your point