6th Soil & Nutrition Conference: Nature as Solution
The Bionutrient Food Association (BFA; www.bionutrient.org), whose mission is, "Increasing Quality in the Food Supply," is presenting the 6th BFA Soil & Nutrition Conference: Nature as Solution, December 4 - 6, 2016, at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Stockbridge, MA (http://www.bionutrient.org/soil-and-nutrition-conference), with a pre-Conference on Sunday, December 4, 2016.Bringing people together across the food movement to share the perspectives of successful farmers, cutting- edge researchers, health practitioners, and pioneers of food quality. This conference is a nexus of information and networking for all interested in delving deeper into the importance and connection of soil & nutrition.Close to 30 presenters, over two days!Enjoy this opportunity to explore how the intersection of the farm and human ecosystems hold the key to environmental sustainability, quality food, and overall well-being. Featuring keynote speaker Joel Salatin, innovative farmer, acclaimed author and impassioned advocate of ecological and locally-focused farming methods. Speaker Listing = http://www.bionutrient.org/soil-and-nutrition-conference/speakersTopics = http://www.bionutrient.org/soil-and-nutrition-conference/topicsTo Register and for more information: http://www.bionutrient.org/soil-and-nutrition-conference