Back from the Brink Western Mass
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to address an existential threat – nuclear war – that is greater now than for many years. Even a ‘limited’ nuclear exchange would set fires sending enough soot into the stratosphere to block the sun’s rays, causing catastrophic global climate disruption and worldwide famine. The Western Mass Hub (chapter) of the Back from the Brink campaign is dedicated to educating our local communities about nuclear war, and building support for eliminating these horrific and expensive weapons. We are ordinary Americans not motivated by partisan politics, but rather the reality that nuclear weapons do not make us safer. All other issues that Grassroots Fund applicants care about will not matter if we do not prevent nuclear war.We work for national policy changes that implement safeguards to prevent nuclear conflicts, significantly reduce the U.S. budget for weapons production, and initiate negotiations among the nine nuclear-armed nations to abolish all arsenals.Many people in New England play a vital role in what has become an international movement. Now, many more people of all demographics are needed to carry this work forward. Our work is to build a more diverse and younger membership; expand our advocacy efforts through in-person outreach to towns and cities, as well as other types of communities (e.g. faith, labor unions, schools and educators); and develop and support a K-12 teacher training program on nuclear weapons.