DUMP Don't Undermine Memphremagog's Purity

At A Glance


Pam Ladds


Newport, Vermont

Primary Issue Area:

  • Environmental Health
  • Land & Water

Active since:


Core volunteers:


  • Open House Casella Waste 9/14/19

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to maintain and improve the water quality of Lake Memphremagog.  VT's only landfill is on the shore of our lake, extending into the wetlands. The landfill owners, a large Corporation supported by the State and allowed to expand recklessly into the watershed/wetlands, now wishes to "pre-treat" leachate. Sending millions of gallons of toxic effluent (from this landfill and others) into the lake forever.  We, who live here, and those who drink from the lake to our north, (Sherbrooke, QC) oppose this as an unsafe practice. We wish to ban the leachate from the Memphremagog watershed forever. Our mission is to educate the public about well documented risks and to encourage the State to find alternatives to both the leachate (which will exist for decades, an unintended consequence) and to the existence of landfills - 19th century technology in the 21st century! The environmental injustice and future risk up here is significant, however, the landfill harms more than the NEK and QC. Garbage juggernauts trash our roads, pollute our air, dumping tons in the landfill.  Leachate is sent to Montpelier etc & discharged into Lake Champlain via the Winooski River. What comes around goes around. Consequences of waste haunt us for decades.  Educating/rallying our communities about waste reduction, & preventing the import of hazardous waste and garbage from out-of-State, to benefit shareholders, is vital.  We say No Leachate Ever.