Andover Community Garden Association

At A Glance


Ann Knowles


Andover, Massachusetts

Primary Issue Area:

  • Food
  • Environmental Health

Active since:


Core volunteers:


Community Size:


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to provide resources and education to the residents of the town of Andover so that they can successfully produce fresh, locally-grown, organic vegetables and flowers on our newly approved garden site. We hope to enhance the well-being of the community by increasing social interaction and provide the opportunity for beneficial outdoor physical activity in addition to our main aim of creating an educational garden in an attractive setting.Andover is an increasingly diverse community with plenty of people living in single-family houses with yards that aren’t conducive to gardening as well as families in condominiums and rental units which do not encourage or allow gardening. In addition, many families simply want to garden with others. This garden provides an outlet and educational tools for all these groups. The Andover Community Garden members were very generous with their harvest. Many people in our community benefited from the abundance of vegetables and fruit we received this year (ie: Neighbors in Need). We are excited to have another fruitful year and continue to help others in our community in need.