350 NH Training Series

350 NH has a 6 week training series with the goal of developing skills organizing skills within our community.

The training sessions will take place at 6:30 every Monday from 2/6-3/20 at the Waysmeet Center in Durham.  Keep an eye out for our facebook events!  350 NH is suggesting a one-time $10 donation for participants but we don’t want cost to hold anyone back.  The information covered in the training series will be critical in organizing our communities to resist hateful legislation in this new political era.

Over the past few months, some of 350 NH’s strongest organizers have been designing a curriculum to develop organizing skills, movement knowledge, and leadership.  They are welcoming organizers (budding and seasoned) to attend.  Check out the schedule…

  • Organizing and Activism 101- Everything you need to know or need to review when it comes to change making (2/6/17)
  • Movement History- A discussion on movements around the world and intersectionality (2/13/17)
  • Campaigning– How to run a focused campaign that gets results (2/20/17)
  • Tactics– Build your toolbox of change making tools to breakout whenever you see injustice (2/27/17)
  • Direct Action- An intro into shifting the choices of decision-makers through escalation (3/6/17)
  • No Training/Spring Break! (3/13/17)
  • Training for Trainers- How to train other people on the skills you’ve learned  (3/20/17)