Energizing & Democratizing New England's Energy Economy: 2016 Sustainability Summit



Saturday, September 17, 2016 (All day)

COST: Sliding scale ($30 - $100); contact Ally Philip (ally@grassrootsfund.org / 603-905-9915) for scholarship info.

We invite you to join fellow nonprofit leaders and concerned citizens to learn, share, and work together to develop actionable, holistic strategies that create more inclusive community projects and programs at the 2016 Sustainability Summit. At this event, we’ll be grappling with tough questions, sharing inspiring solutions, and looking to hear from YOU about the strategies you see as we craft a path forward for our region. 

Register Today!

Keynote speaker Sandra Steingraber, an acclaimed ecologist and author, will explore the links between human rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change, chemical contamination, and shale gas extraction via fracking. She takes a personal and scientific look at these issues and offers insights into how we can protect our environment and our communities. Steingraber brings a clear, lyrical voice to the complex evidence of biology.

Workshops tracks will explore how we are working together to Reform, Resist, Recreate, and Reimagine a more just and sustainable future. Each workshop will be led by leaders confronting the short-comings in our current energy system, creating new community-based models for more resilient local economies, and thinking big about possibilities for access for all to clean energy. If these questions resonate with you, then you don't want to miss this conference:

How can we protect our families from the health impacts of carbon-intensive energy?
How can we make energy efficiency upgrades accessible for those who need it most?
What are the economic models for financing locally-owned community energy projects?
How can we rethink ownership of energy and envision an inclusive new energy system?

Sponsored by: New England Grassroots Environment FundCo-op PowerNew England Local Energy Network, Barr FoundationSmith CollegeSolidago, UMassNew England Resilience and Transition NetworkMassachusetts Climate Action NetworkGreenfield Community College, Franklin Community Co-op / Green Fields & McCusker's Markets, Toxics Action Center, Island Institute, UMass Clean Energy Extension, River Valley Co-op, Pierce Bros Coffee, Sugar Shack Alliance, Climate Action Now (W Mass)

Can't make it to the event but want to support the work and other people's ability to participate, please consider donating to our Scholarship Fund:

Donate to Scholarship Fund