Building Consensus for Local Clean Energy Projects

As clean energy opportunities scale up across New England, local advocates are learning that it takes care — and early work — to build public support.  Successful advocates need to engage residents and officials early in the research and decision-making process to reduce “push-back” from those who are concerned about a project’s aesthetics, environmental impact, cost or appropriateness. 

Clean Water Action and the New England Grassroots Environment Fund are teaming up with the Consensus Building Institute to offer an important workshop on February 18, 2015 from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm at 1253, new neighborhood center and co-working space at 1253 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT: Building Consensus for Local Clean Energy Projects with CBI Senior Associate Ona Ferguson. 

The workshop will provide a framework for understanding public engagement strategies at the local level, to prevent or soften the kinds of land use controversies that may be connected with clean energy projects.  As they discuss sources of community resistance and conflict, participants will learn an overall conflict management and consensus building approach to address the concerns of community members so that they improve, rather than undercut, the desired projects.  We’ll explore what to do and how to get good at it, building skills within your local energy task force, government or community group.   Communities are encouraged to send teams of at least two committee members or staff.