Belfast Transition
Our Purpose
Belfast Transition (BT) emerged in 2010 from a discussion of Rob Hopkins’ Transition Handbook. As BT, we chose to “support and organize community efforts to build local resilience and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.” BT endeavors to inspire, encourage, help, and learn with our community as we develop and implement constructive, peaceful responses to the challenges of energy, climate, and economic change. We have faith in the collective genius, skills, and goodwill of our neighbors to meet these challenges as a thriving, resilient community. We collaborate with regional organizations and community-based initiatives which share an ethic of: (1) Concern for people, demonstrating regard for the feelings and needs of all within the community and the world; (2) Fairness, ensuring that our relations with each other and the Earth are equitable and compassionate; (3) Stewardship, recognizing that the Earth is the fundamental basis of all life and the health and integrity of natural systems is essential for our future.