Western MA Regenerative Food System

At A Glance


Hannah McDonald


Florence, Massachusetts

Primary Issue Area:

  • Food
  • Environmental Health
  • Living Economies
  • Land & Water

Active since:


  • On Foxtrot Herb farm for a workshop on harvesting and processing wildgrape leaves
  • WMRFS member Tim Holcomb has a demo day in Homecity Housing community garden
  • Sister Anna and the Youth at Tapley Gardens grow produce for the community
  • Community member Marty Dagoberto and his daughter roll up fresh wild leaf grape leaf dolmas at Foxtrot Herb Farm
  • Chicken farmer Martin Anderton shows community members his integrated poultry system at agroforestry site Big River Chestnuts in Sunderland MA

Our Purpose

The Western MA Regenerative Food System is a collaboration of various community partners dedicated to recreating the ways we interact with our land and food. Our purpose is to increase our human and non-human residents’ well-being by creating and upholding systems that ensure access to nutritious and well grown foods that are available year-round and produced locally. We advocate for and practice ecologically robust growing practices that build soils and create economic practices that are in solidarity with a larger bioregional food vision. This regenerative food system is rooted in social justice and believes in food sovereignty for our community members.As we seek to enact this vision, we have been uncovering a variety of gaps and bottlenecks that are preventing these systems from emerging. This includes lack of social, economic and other types of capital, inadequate infrastructure for the growing and dispersing of regeneratively grown foods, less gravity and awareness surrounding the transformative power of local foods, and the reluctant necessity to participate in a values system that doesn't align with our collective vision of climate resilient, equitable and healing food systems. We are connecting the human and non-human elements of this system, and creating a framework for this organizing that will allow urban and rural communities of Western Massachusetts to collaborate and support a larger vision of bioregional resilient food systems.