Trans Asylum Seeker Support Network
Our Purpose
In 2019, one of the group's founders became friends with a transgender asylum seeker and her sponsor, quickly realized that they were under-resourced and isolated, and set to work finding them the support they needed. In the years since, this initial connection has blossomed into the Trans Asylum Seekers Support Network, an interdependent, solidarity-based network of queer and trans asylum seekers, loved ones, collective members, and volunteers dedicated to the abolition of all cages and borders, revolutionary compassion and trans liberation. Our goal is to free transgender asylum seekers languishing in detention centers and help them relocate to and create thriving lives in Western Massachusetts. We understand that the work to free trans asylum seekers is deeply connected to the the overarching goal of abolition of all prisons and detention centers, militarized borders, imperialism, and the capitalist system which allows corporations in the US to extract as much labor and profit as possible from Mexico and Central America, while restricting migration through colonial borders. Our mission is driven by an understanding of the interconnectedness of our work with similar movements such as worker organizing, tenant organizing, Palestine solidarity, prison abolition, Black liberation, anti-imperialism, and Indigenous sovereignty.