Sustainable Livelihood Relief Organization (SLRO)
Our Purpose
SLRO has been formed to help immigrants especially refugees and asylum-seekers improve their participation rates in the American labor market and help immigrants build long-term wealth through the establishment of sustainable livelihoods. Our model aims to identify and intervene at each step of the way from promoting and supporting long term farming initiatives on our own land to coordinating “experiential learning” opportunities on local farms during the planting, harvesting, processing, and marketing and sales cycles. We are active in the Farmer’s Markets. Please come see us or invite us to your farm. SLRO has three goals: To support the success of lo-cal men and women to find suitable employment, earn college and graduate degrees, and advance into “sustainable livelihoods” that provide economic income, an accumulation of wealth, and an increase in community well-being. To provide relief to those who cannot provide for themselves and to assist families to become more resilient to economic and social shocks by giving them the means to earn an income no matter how small. To link our community members with the resources, the education, the training, and the friendship of and partnership with other organizations, governmental agencies, and educational institutions in order to integrate into the local Maine economy more efficiently.