Rockland Maine WindowDressers
Our Purpose
WindowDressers provides affordable window weatherization and community-building opportunities to Maine residents of all income levels, ages, and abilities. We warm homes, build community, and help the environment by manufacturing low-cost, high quality, interior, insulating window inserts through local, volunteer-run “Community Builds”. Our collaborative Community Build model brings diverse residents together in what we describe as an old-fashioned barn-raising for window weatherization where an all-volunteer crew works to produce our window inserts. The Community Build has a dual meaning. First, members of the community gather to build inserts. The secondary benefit is the opportunity to build community among residents who might not otherwise meet each other. It gets people talking about energy, empowers people to do something about climate change mitigation, and builds momentum for community resilience.The Rockland 2024 Community Build produced 381 inserts. Since 2010, the Rockland Community Build has produced more than 5,200 inserts, generating savings – in 2024 alone – of nearly 46,000 gallons of fuel oil, $152,000 for clients, and 511 tons of CO2. Forty percent (40%) of the inserts we produced in 2024 were provided to low-income households free of charge.We have set a goal to produce 500 window inserts in the Midcoast Maine communities of Appleton, Camden, Cushing, Liberty, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockport, Thomaston, Union, Waldoboro, and Warren.