Riverside Garden Walk of Shelburne Falls
Our Purpose
We provide education for adults from across the northeast with design certification courses, public talks, tours of demonstrational sites/farms/homesteads, & workshops. We also provide garden design/installation/maintenance services. Our ongoing design & education work addresses climate resilient strategies, empowering others with practical skills, building networks of mutual support. Our work provides inspiring, replicable plantings of perennials, carbon sequestering food gardens (guilds of fruits, nuts, herbs, berries, soil improving & pollinator plants) with soil & habitat improving techniques. Our community projects this year: 1) Creating a Riverside Garden Walk through the Village of Shelburne Falls, proud to be featuring: A. Agroforestry demo in our town park (installation already funded) to provide donations of berries/nuts/fruit, B. Butterfly garden for native pollinator habitat, C. Healing garden for upliftment, D. Urban food growing example at a local non profit center. 2) Growing our BIPOC Scholarship Program for all educational programs. Our programs benefit local residents with free design work via design practice conducted by our students & professional staff during our 10-11 day seasonal programs. Our educational work benefits the northeast when students bring their skills back to their communities. We teach others to design for abundance in their home landscapes & for resilience in their communities.