Project Atlantic
Our Purpose
to encourage students and other community-members to create media that will help their community understand its energy options heading towards the middle of the 21st century. We have created infographics and documentary films that introduce members of the public to ideas about what other more progressive nations (i.e. across the Atlantic, hence the name) are doing to meet their energy needs. We have created informative, entertaining media that introduce the people of Brattleboro to ideas like District Heating, Biogas, Building Efficiency, newer Agricultural and Waste Management methods, not to mention, Wind, Solar, Heat Pumps and other tech that will make the 21st century the most energy progressive possible. In the upcoming year, we will continue our work, tackling Transportation, Solar Thermal Utility, Medium-scale and Community Solar, the controversy over the use of Town funds to assess the energy efficiency of Town Buildings, and several other local energy investigations! Our next goal is to continue doing this while encouraging towns around Vermont and New England to begin the same process. We hope to build a coalition to begin training teachers, students and Town Energy Committee members to do what we did by the Spring or Summer of 2015, and to create a "Student Environmental Media" contest to take place in the Spring of 2016. We have a working group with members of the Town Energy Committee, local media and Green Energy Industry members who are dedicated to making this goal happen, but in order to make this work in Brattleboro, we have to get the word out!