People's Pride Burlington

At A Glance


Jaz Mojica


Burlington, Vermont

Primary Issue Area:

  • Living Economies
  • Food

Active since:


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to provide safe, celebratory, and liberating spaces for LGBTQIA+/queer members of our community to come together. Pride in this country started as a riot and a fiery celebration of LGBT+ liberation. However, for the past several years the only Pride event in so-called Burlington, Vermont (located on unceded Abenaki territory) has been the city's official Pride which is overrun by banks, corporations, politicians, and police: the very same institutions that dragged us kicking and screaming out of our meeting places, who stole our homes as we lay dying of HIV/AIDS, who minimized and ignored our plight while using us as tools in their power plays.People's Pride Burlington's first two annual Pride events were held in June 2021 & 2022: guerilla Pride marches and festivals free of banks, cops, or corporations. We aim to host this event every year, and smaller events in between, to offer the LGBT+/queer community of Burlington and beyond an opportunity to gather joyously, unapologetically, and publicly, not allowing ourselves to be sanitized or recuperated by a system that will always seek to kill us in some way, be it physically or spiritually.