Our Community Cares Camp, Inc

At A Glance


Susanne Parent


Richmond, Vermont

Primary Issue Area:

  • Food

Active since:


Tax Status:

  • Diana Dunn - local author read aloud
  • CLiF Event
  • Cooking Event

Our Purpose

Our Community Cares Camp serves youth who live in the five towns in the Mount Mansfield Unified Union School District including Bolton, Huntington, Jericho, Richmond, and Underhill. Our Mission is to create a caring, nourishing community where every child can find success. Our vision is to develop a rich culture of community that includes health, safety, happiness, gratitude, and citizenship that the campers carry with them throughout their lives. We provide two healthy meals each day with many local products from our parternships with businesses, and activities like field trips, art, music, community events, and outdoor education. We have highly qualified staff working alongside our campers. Older youth are able to participate in the Counselor in Training program, the cooking program or be paid counselors and in more of a leadership role. We pride ourselves on the relationships we make and have witnessed many campers turn into CITS then counselors. We team up with the school district to provide bus transportation to and from camp. Everyone, regardless of ability, is able to participate. Many of our campers have support within the classroom setting, but are able to find success within our camp. Youth who need summer learning support from the school district are able to come to camp because we are located on the same campus and work together to bridge the summer learning gap. We are an essential service in our community!