North Troy Land Collaborative

At A Glance


Ellen Fox


Newport, Vermont

Primary Issue Area:

  • Land & Water
  • Living Economies
  • Food
  • Climate Change & Energy

Active since:


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to nurture a collabotative space for all inhabitants of the North Troy, Vermont area to help direct the uses, development, and conservation activities on village-owned lands surrounding the Village of North Troy.  We aim to develop a consensus based process to identify the most mutually beneficial path to revitalize North Troy Village, and also to identify and make space to consider when goals are not mutually beneficial.  We are in the process of gathering new members and associated participants.  All who participate will ultimatley be decision-makers.  As a group we plan to consider investment in community food and medicine production, outdoor recreation and economic development, and outdoor gathering spaces.  How that will proceed is undetermined and will be determined by the people who participate.  Specific goals include: 1) Provide staple foods to residents at low cost produced locally.  Currently, the only place to buy food in town is a Dollar General Store and the nearest grocery is 20 miles away; 2) Develop outdoor recreation opportunities that utilize the broad floodplain, river and scenic beauty in a way that insures the value of these natural resources will remain intact for future generations; 3) Promote a sense of community through increased opportunities to express and increased understanding of the experiences, values and concerns of all individuals.