Monadnock View Community Garden

At A Glance


Keene, New Hampshire

Primary Issue Area:

  • Food
  • Climate Change & Energy
  • Living Economies

Active since:


Our Purpose

The primary purpose of our Monadnock View Community Garden (MVCG) is to provide gardening space for those who lack access to enable them to grow their own fresh vegetables (we currently have @60 plots with room to expand). While the community garden has been in existence for over 50 years, a core group of us have more recently emerged who are committed to ‘growing’ MVCG. Two years ago we started a 'Giving Garden' on six plots donated by the City of Keene to grow produce for The Community Kitchen (our local food pantry).  However, MVCG is not well known or publicized or we might be better able to serve the community. We're hoping to expand our garden area and diversify our membership by reaching out to underserved populations locally, enhancing our subsidy program, and raising our capacity to provide produce for those most in need.