Material Aid And Advocacy Program

At A Glance


Cassie Hurd


Cambridge, Massachusetts

Primary Issue Area:

  • Living Economies
  • Food

Active since:


Tax Status:


Core volunteers:


Our Purpose

MAAP supports and empowers community members who are unhoused, underhoused and/or people who use drugs through material aid, access to resources, and advocacy opportunities. We envision a world where housing is a right and not a reward. Where no one is denied or loses housing because they are poor, use drugs, have a substance use disorder, are mentally ill, or have been incarcerated (best - no one is incarcerated). Where housing is used for shelter, not profit. Where people have the ability to live in the communities they choose and with whom they want, and have access to healthcare including harm reduction, supervised consumption sites, voluntary treatment, and mental healthcare.  MAAP understands the crisis of homelessness and persistent poverty to be the culmination and  intersection of stark inequality rooted in racism, systems failure, and the skewed priorities of people in power. As such, we actively and continuously work to end the systems that are causing harm and engage in social justice organizing led by unhoused community members that supports the creation of just and healthy communities for all. Housing justice, racial justice, ending the racist war on drugs, prison abolition, decriminalization of homelessness, accessible and comprehensive healthcare for all are our work. While doing this work we support people in meeting their most basic needs and a space to safely access resources, build community, care for each other, and organize.