Community Engagement Group, Northfield 350th Anniversary Committee

At A Glance


Joan Stoia


Northfield, Massachusetts

Primary Issue Area:

  • Climate Change & Energy

Active since:


Tax Status:

  • Northfield Residents Gather for Northfield Transition Picnic
  • Anti-pipeline protestors assemble at Massachusetts State House
  • Carrie Noble Kline shares stories of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered people in Appalachia
  • Folklorists Carrie and Michael Kline

Our Purpose

As the Community Engagement Group of the Town of Northfield’s 350th Anniversary, our purpose is to inspire our residents to generate projects about and identify resources for programs about important events since the last major anniversary program fifty years ago. A major, galvanizing event that occurred between 2012 and 2016 was Northfield's battle against a giant corporation's plan to install a 'natural' gas pipeline running through, and compressor station in, the town. With planning activities in 2022 and a year-long schedule of programs in 2023, the 350th Anniversary offers a timely opportunity to share the story of the pipeline struggle as a reader's theater production with help from residents who were here during that time, promoting discussion, sharing perspectives on that fight and renewing the spark of a passion that existed among our citizens for environmental justice and local resiliency.  The performance will be followed by a workshop designed with the involvement of members of the grassroots environmental group Transition Northfield and members of the Northfield Historical Commission.