Common Unity Place
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to be a resource hub for the Skowhegan area by developing partnerships and services that meet critical needs, create positive social change, enhance civic participation, and provide a welcoming center for isolated individuals. Common Unity Place provides space and programming for material support, community engagement, and access to resources to residents of Skowhegan and nearby towns. There are no other public meeting places in Skowhegan where people can gather for these purposes. While CUP is housed at Centenary United Methodist Church, there is no religious content to CUP services and activities and everyone is welcome. CUP supports a weekly Café, a used Clothes Closet, a Personal Care Pantry, space for weekly social service resource specialists, and space for weekly, monthly and annual meetings and events. We plan to increase to two days per week operation in 2022 for the Cafe, Closthes Closet and associated acitvities. Most CUP volunteers and participants include low income or homeless people and those who are elderly and/or isolated residents of Skowhegan and other Somerset County towns. Organizations such as homeless shelters, sheltered workshops for handicapped individuals as well as social service case managers bring clients; and clothing deliveries are made for the benefit of a wide variety of local organizations. Cup provides training and mentoring for volunteers.