Coalition Center for Environmental Sustainability, CC4ES
Our Purpose
Our group’s goal is to build our own regeneratively sustainable community that champions environmental, social and economic justice and equity. We use food systems as a grassroots social norm mobilizer for such outcomes. As food is embedded in socio-cultural systems, food justice is environmental, social and economic justice. Growing our own food is the most direct means of realizing food security, sovereignty and justice. All our programs -- Rhody Grows Hope, Museum of Silenced Histories & Gardens of Regeneration, and Youths for Urban Sustainability share gardening to grow food as a common thread. Rhody Grows Hope (RGH) is a container gardening program that repurposes various recyclables to grow food while reducing environmental waste; Museum of Silenced Histories & Gardens of Regeneration (MSH) platforms gardens as a space to have the silenced heard, healing by building relationships both with one another and the land; and Youths for Urban Sustainability (Y4US)’s focus on gardening and environmental stewardship, nutrition and healthy cooking and eating cultivates collective shifts for sustainable lifestyles. Gardening is heuristic. Its communal actions seed healing for both us and our land and environment through building relationships holistically to reanchor and realign us with our environment. Gardening in all our programs incurs trust necessary for creating a community we can identify with and care to stand for.