Buxton-Gorham WindowDressers
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to make the WindowDressers interior insulating window inserts available to local residents with a focus on low-income seniors. Through our work we aim to educate community members about climate disruption and steps we each can take to reduce our carbon footprints.Our window inserts reduce heating bills, make homes more comfortable, and reduce reliance on heating fuels. The inserts are built by area volunteers to keep the price down and build community engagement in reducing carbon emissions. However, even with the relatively low cost, these inserts are beyond the reach of some families. Therefore, we are fundraising to ensure that price is not a barrier to anyone whose home has cold windows with air leaking in. Through the partnership with Aging in Buxton, we will target senior households that are particularly vunerable to cold homes and high heating costs.Past volunteers include a University of Southern Maine and high school students, senior citizens, local faith communities, employees from area businesses, and local government representatives in addition to a wide range of community members. Our group includes people in Buxton, Gorham, Standish, Sanford, Limington, Limerick, Hollis, Steep Falls, Westbrook and surrounding towns.