In 2007 the Ad Hoc Environmental Stewardship Group of the Madison-Guilford Interfaith Clergy Association received a grant to fund faith communities in the Madison/Guilford area to participate in the This Old House of Worship program. Participants were able to learn from an instructor how to make each congregation's facilities more energy efficient and ecologically responsible.
Ad Hoc Environmental Stewardship Committee of the MG Interfaith Assoc
Our Purpose
to reduce energy consumption for our facilities and to raise the consciousness of our congregations around the religious call to be faithful stewards of Earth. The mission of the Madison-Guilford Interfaith Clergy Association is to establish and strengthen collegial ties among the ordained leaders of the diverse faith communities in the two towns and to foster events and programs that bring these communities together for workshop, education, fellowship and service.
Summary of Projects
This grant was awarded some time ago and the details haven't been uploaded to our online system. If you'd like to learn more, contact us ( and we'll fill in the blanks.