Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op
Our Purpose
The Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op is a consumer-owned energy cooperative, based in Middlebury, Vermont and serving the 23 towns of Addison County as well as Rutland and Chittenden counties. The Co-op, which emerged from our umbrella organization, the Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN), was founded in June 2008 to help transition area communities from their near total dependence on fossil fuels to a greater reliance on affordable renewable energy strategies and sources. We seek to grow our communities' local supply and reliance on renewable energy sources.
As the Co-op grows, these strategies include solar, biomass heat, transportation fuels, and other heating, energy and efficiency products and services. Its consumer members democratically control the Co-op, which exists to meet the energy needs of its members and the communities we live in. As owner-members, we are the cooperative, and share these rights together:
* Democratic participation in decision making
* Joint purchasing
* Member-to-member installations and services
* Community-scale sustainable energy development
* Member education, public outreach and advocacy