We divide community work into 5 overarching issue areas and over 58 specific community projects.
Learn more about the various project types below.
Check out specific examples by using the issue filter on our Group Map.
Issue Areas
Climate Change & Energy
minimizing community carbon footprints.
Carbon/Energy challenges
challenging and empowering neighbors to save energy in their homes. Challenges often involve an element of competition where neighborhoods or towns challenge each other to save the most energy/reduce the most carbon output.
Climate resilience/Adaptation
preparing for or dealing with the impacts of climate change (as opposed to mitigation which focuses on preventing the impacts).
Community shared solar
creating solar electric systems that provide power and/or financial benefits to multiple community members.
Commuter campaigns
increasing carpooling through efforts like ride-share, car-share or public transit support.
Cooperative ownership
creating community or member-owned clean energy products and services, businesses and jobs.
Electric vehicles/Charging stations
educating around and creating community-based electric vehicle charging stations.
Energy audits
identifying how energy efficient buildings are, and then prioritizing those improvements that promise the most return on investment.
Energy barnraisers
weatherizing a house or community building, making it more energy-efficient and/or installing small-scale renewable energy systems, by bringing together volunteers and organizing workdays to collectively implement changes.
Energy efficiency/Weatherization
protecting buildings and their interior from the elements and modifying a building to reduce energy consumption.
Greenhouse gas/energy inventories
measuring the amount of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere - originating from all source categories in a certain geographical area and within a specified time span, usually a specific year - to help inform priorities for energy planning. Or conducting an inventory of energy consumption for a building or set of buildings using specifically designed software and setting a reference year.
No idling
raising awareness about and reducing pollution from idling vehicles.
Renewable energy
supporting or creating appropriately scaled (distributed) energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale.
Renewable energy siting outreach
raising awareness around the impacts, positive or negative, of siting energy generation.
Residential solar/group purchasing campaigns
assisting individual home-owners or a group of individuals with the process of purchasing and installing solar panels for residential use.
Walk/Bike campaigns
encouraging and increasing walking and biking as forms of transportation.
Other energy
creative approaches to reducing community carbon footprints that don't fit any of the other Energy categories.
Examples of local energy projects
Visit our Grantee map and use the Issue Area filter to see examples of all energy-related efforts.
creating a resilient, healthy, safe and equitable regional food system through local food efforts.
Community farms
growing food on a larger scale while serving the needs and desires of the public. A community farm is open to participation and enjoyment by anyone in the community, and experienced farmers handle farm management decisions about what to grow and when to harvest. Volunteers often manage the public programs - donations to food pantries, education and volunteering.
Community gardens
managing a piece of land to be gardened collectively by a group of people. Individuals can often rent small plots of land for personal use or a garden can be worked collectively with the harvest shared by all participants.
Community composting
collecting and composting organic materials, promoting home composting and supporting professional haulers managing larger-scale composting facilities.
Community supported agriculture
bringing together individuals who have pledged to provide upfront (financial) support to one or more local farms, so that growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production.
Community supported fisheries
promoting a positive relationship between fishermen, consumers, and the ocean by providing high-quality, locally caught seafood to members, who are offered weekly shares of fresh seafood for a pre-paid membership fee.
Eat Local guides
researching and publishing (often free) online or paper-based guides to finding local, sustainable, organic food within a specific region.
Farmers’ markets
creating physical or online retail markets featuring foods sold directly by farmers to consumers.
working with schools and communities to raise awareness about healthy food, good nutrition, and the role of farms and farmers by paying attention to the three C's: Cafeteria, Classroom, Community.
Food coops
launching member-owned and democratically governed community grocery stores.
Food councils
examining the operation of a local food system and providing ideas and recommendations for improvement, often through public policy change.
Food shelves
distributing food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough food to avoid hunger.
organizing volunteers and managing farmer relations to collect leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest.
planting, picking, rescuing, and delivering free fresh produce, often from community and home gardens.
Localvore challenge
inspiring awareness and action to eat locally and organically through events and activities in a specific time period.
developing self-maintained agricultural ecosystems, modeled from natural ecosystems, intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.
School Garden
designing, installing and sustaining school gardens that are used for hands-on learning and to cultivate a deeper connection to nature.
Supply/Demand coordination
researching farmer supply and consumer demand, facilitating and coordinating matchmaking opportunities to broaden local markets.
Other food
creative approaches to creating a resilient, healthy, safe and equitable regional food system through local food efforts that don't fit any of the other Food categories.
Environmental Health
preventing and eliminating toxic pollution.
Air pollution
preventing and eliminating the introduction of harmful chemicals, odors, particulates, or other materials into the atmosphere.
Hazardous waste
preventing and eliminating waste, chemical and toxic pollutants, that pose substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment.
preventing and eliminating the use of substances meant for attracting, seducing, destroying or mitigating any weeds or pests.
raising conerns around the health impacts of, and when necessary challenging, the siting of waste treatment facilities that involve the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials.
raising concerns around the health impacts of, and when necessary challenging, the siting of a facility for the disposal of waste materials by burial.
Power plants
raising concerns around the health impacts of, and when necessary challenging, the siting of industrial facilities for the generation of electric power.
Other health
creative approaches to prevent and eliminate toxic pollution that don't fit any of the other Environmental Health categories.
Land & Water
balancing built environment, working landscape and wilderness.
Anti sprawl/Big box
raising concerns around auto-oriented, low-density development and the siting of physically large retail establishments that often reduce walk/bikability and damage local economies.
Community forest/Sustainable forestry
establishing forestry management practices where the local community plays a significant role in forest management and land use decision-making.
Green infrastructure
Green space
ensuring the establishment and maintenance of open space areas for parks, natural areas, and other recreational areas.
raising awareness, monitoring and protecting the quantity and quality of a community's groundwater resources as a common good.
Land conservation
preserving, restoring and preventing the deterioration of land as a natural resource.
Recreational trails
establishing and maintaining public paths for recreational use.
Smart growth
advocating compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use and concentrating growth in compact (urban) centers to avoid sprawl.
Surface water
monitoring and maintaining the physical and biological characteristics of water.
protecting and monitoring non-domesticated animal species, sometimes including plants, fungi and other organisms.
Other land & water
creative approaches to balance built environment, working landscape and wilderness that don't fit any of the other Land & Water categories.
Living Economies
inspiring behavior change towards conscious and ecological living.
Buy local
valuing, encouraging & supporting locally owned & community-based enterprise.
Community Loan Funds
establishing alternative financing models and local investment opportunities.
Community resource/Sustainability centers
providing space for shared community use.
Community Swaps
organizing give-away/exchange events, bartering everything from homemade products, art, clothing to professional services.
Film/Speaker Series/Study circles
raising awareness and inspiring behavior change towards a lower ecological footprint through community discussion events, documentaries or live speaker engagements.
Emergency Preparedness
working together and engaging in sustainable, community-building activities, to meet basic needs in preparation of a (natural) disaster.
Local Currencies
establishing and managing a form of money that is designed to be used within a community, town, or city.
providing opportunities to acquire 'new' knowledge and skills - often based on old craft skills, resource management and farming - that require less need for energy and lead to a lower environmental impact.
Time banks
facilitating reciprocal service exchanges that use units of time rather than currency.
Tool sharing libraries
providing free, community access to a wide variety of tools and resources with an emphasis on use over ownership.
Zero waste
encouraging the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused.
Other living economies
creative approaches to inspiring behavior change towards conscious and ecological living that don't fit any of the other Living Economies categories.