Maine Youth Power

At A Glance


Phoebe Dolan


Swanville, Maine

Primary Issue Area:

  • Living Economies
  • Climate Change & Energy

Active since:


Tax Status:

  • This is our logo, we had it designed by an artist from Vinalhaven Maine after a listening session with our organization.

Our Purpose

Maine Youth Power is an inclusive movement of young Mainers working in solidarity for human dignity, access, equity, and a livable future by building power across Maine. We vision a state where young people want to stay, are heard and are able to thrive for generations. We make local wins, statewide victories by running local campaigns and amplifying our wins through out Maine as policy and changing the public narrative. Maine is a rural state and there is huge potential for organizing and building power among otherwise isolated rural youth who are frequently overlooked and underserved by national movements and regional funders. We organize our peers, friends and communities and run local campaigns which build a fabric of organized power throughout the state so when we all mobilize together it comes from deep connected roots. MYP is entirely youth-led, with a femme identifying leadership team. By building structures of collective care and personal reflection into our work, and compensating our organizers for their time, we are modeling the type of world we want to see within the development of our organization. We organize through virtual space and we are winning on the ground.